Is there a real Peace?!
Nowadays No! It's just a so-called Peace.
Our peace is nothing but staying in silence, Smile and letting Them rule us.
When they say Peace on you it means : Shut up and do your ordinary things and let us rule you. Just think that you are lucky and never Think about our actions and just obey the rules, Do the Orders.
But isn't it our right to think? To rule ourselves?! Having the decision to do what we have the right to do?!
Hey, My Slave brothers and sisters, The only way to survive is thinking. They are just scared about your mind.
If you improve your body and your strength they would just make you work like a Donky.
If you run faster than a Horse they would Ride you.
If you get bigger than a cow they would milk you.
They are just scared about your Mind and the way you think. All they try to do is entertaining your mind with cosmetics and colors, useless stuffs... They don't want you to know : WHO YOU ARE?! WHERE YOU GO?! WHAT ARE YOU GONNA DO?! WHERE ARE YOU GONNA BE?! and ...
They just want to rule your mind and take it away from the REAL LIFE...